Turkish Polıtıcs
TURKISH POLITICS (TÜRK SİYASAL HAYATI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi State, Religion and Society in Turkey soru cevapları
TURKISH POLITICS (TÜRK SİYASAL HAYATI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi State, Religion and Society in Turkey soru detayı:
What was the role of religion in Ottoman State?
Religion in the Ottoman State had always carried a major role from its first establishment till its resolution era. One of the major historians studying the Ottoman Empire, Paul Wittek claims that ‘ghazwa’ (a battle often led by Islamic goals) is a dominant factor in explaining the foundation of the Ottoman State. During the foundation era, the Ottoman State was under the influence of more heterodox religious tendencies, whereas, by the time the state was institutionalized into an empire, it had developed a rather orthodox religious form, that of a Sunni Islamic state