TURKISH POLITICS (TÜRK SİYASAL HAYATI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi From Constitutional Monarchy of the Ottoman Empire to the Multi-party Period of the Republic of Turkey soru detayı:
What were among the reforms of the regime in the 1930's of Turkey?
The regime continued to implement reforms in the 1930s. In line with this, one of the reforms introduced was that women were granted the right to vote and be elected.
In 1935, 17 women deputies entered the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Another significant progress was the enforcement of the Surname Law. In accordance with this law, the use of certain titles and names such as Efendi, Bey, or Pasha was prohibited. significant steps were taken in the name of developing a consciousness of history and language. Turkish Language Association was established with the purpose of working on the etymology of Turkish language. Simultaneous with the reforms in the language,
an effort was initiated to write a new history. For this purpose, ‘Turkish History Thesis’ was proposed.