POLITICAL SCIENCE (SİYASET BİLİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Fundamental Concepts of Politics soru detayı:
What were the classical political philosophers concerned with?
The classical political philosophers were concerned with the justification of values and the reconciliation of liberty and obligation. Plato, for example, dealt with the question of ‘justice’ in the Republic through the ideal state. Political philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Bentham, and Hegel analyzed the ethical basis and the moral purpose of the political community in detail. In this way, the philosophical period is distinguished for its general trend of setting standards based on values such as justice, freedom, and happiness. The philosophical approach aims at evolving “standards of right and wrong” for the purpose of critical evaluations of the existing institutions, laws, and policies. It may denote efforts to arrive at truth using reason.