INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION AND GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Dersi Historical Background: Early Development and the League of Nations soru detayı:
What were the outcomes of the First Hague Conference?
The adoption of the Convention of the Pacific Settlement of International Controversies was one of its most significant achievements. The First Hague Convention provided a legal basis for a unique mediation mechanism by neutral states as well as international inquiry commissions for the investigation of international disputes. Moreover, it paved the way for the creation of a Permanent International Court of Arbitration (The Advocate of Peace, 1906: 72). The Conference also produced two other conventions. The first was the codification of the previously-agreed norms and regulations of land warfare, while the second was about the status of the Red Cross regarding the naval warfare. The participant states also agreed upon three declarations concerning the use of certain types of ammunition and weapons in times of war (Choate, 1913: 13). The major outcome of The Hague Conference was the creation of the International Court of Arbitration, which was designed as a permanent international body for states to settle international disputes by judicial means.