BUSINESS LAW (İŞLETME HUKUKU) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Labour and Social Security Law soru detayı:



When can a contract be terminated with a just cause?


1. Reasons of health:

a. In case the performance of the work arising out of the employment contract becomes a threat to the health or life of the employee due to the nature of the work

b. In case the employer or another employee with whom the employer is constantly in a close and direct contact has a contagious disease or an illness that does not suit the employee’s work

2. Cases that are against the rules of morality and good faith and similar reasons:

a. If the employer misleads the employee during the making of the contract regarding the essential points of this contract

b. If the employer makes negative comments about the honour and decency of the employee or his/her family member or engages in an act thereof or sexually harasses employee

c. If the employer bullies, threatens the employee or a member of his/her family or encourages, provokes or leads them to engage in an unlawful act or commits a crime against the employee or his/ her family member that is punishable with imprisonment or makes serious allegations or accusations against the honour and dignity of the employee

d. If the employee becomes a victim of sexual harassment by another employee or a third party and the employer fails to take necessary precautions despite having been informed about the situation by the employee

e. If the employee’s remuneration is not calculated or paid in accordance with the laws or terms of contract

f. In cases where the remuneration is agreed in terms of quantity and the employer provides the employee with work less than his/her capability, if the difference in the remuneration is not paid in terms of time and thus, the deficit in the employee’s remuneration is not reimbursed or if the working conditions are not applied

3. Force majeure: In case of emergence of reasons of force majeure that require the operations in the establishment to halt for a period exceeding one week. 

4. In case of arrest or detention of the employee that results in the absence of the employee that exceeds the notice period as governed in article 17 of the Labour Act.