POLITICAL THOUGHT (SİYASAL DÜŞÜNCELER) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Political Thought in Ancient Greece and Rome soru detayı:



When did the destruction of polis start? 


The destruction of polis started during the age of Plato. Yet, polis had a chance for surviving. While Plato was portraying a strong ideal of city-state, he was considering this opportunity. When Aristotle took the turn, it was too late for a city-state to survive. Even though Aristotle sided with monarchy and aristocracy, as he noticed that polis was arriving to the end, he opted for politeia, which was a moderate regime. His try was not adequate enough. Philip II conquered the Greek peninsula at 339 B.C. and a new period, called Hellenistic Age, started. Son of Philip II, Alexander the Great, captured all Mediterranean geography and established a Hellenic Empire. It was consisting of western and eastern cultures. The legacy of this empire continued during the Roman Empire and ended up with Christianity.