BUSINESS LAW (İŞLETME HUKUKU) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Labour and Social Security Law soru detayı:
When is the Turkish Labour Act not applicable?
• Maritime and air transport activities. However, loading and unloading activities to and from ships at the coasts or ports and piers, as well as activities related to the producers of water products that do not constitute an agricultural activity and do not fall within the scope of application of the Maritime Labour Act are subject to the Labour Act. Furthermore, the employees working in the ground services of aviation are also subject to the Labour Act.
• Establishments or enterprises of less than
50 (inclusive) employees where agriculturaland forestry work is carried out. Exceptions to this include agricultural crafts, activities carried out in workshops and factories where tools, machines and their parts are
manufactured for agricultural purposes, construction work carried out in enterprises on agriculture, and in activities related to parks and gardens that are open to public use or are adjunct facilities of an establishment. The employees working in establishments that carry out such activities that fall within the ambit of these exceptions are subject to the Labour Act.
• Any construction work related to agriculture that fall within the ambit of family economy.
• Handcraft activities that are performed within the household and by the members of a family and their relatives up to third degree (inclusive) kinship.
• Domestic work
• Apprentices
• Sportsmen
• Persons under rehabilitation
• Establishments of three employees which
fall within the definition of article 2 of the
Act No. 507 on Tradesmen and Craftsmen.