PSYCHOLOGY (PSİKOLOJİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Personality soru detayı:
When newborn babies need something, they look for immediate gratification. They don't care if the caregiver is busy or unable to feed her baby etc. The baby cries if the need is not met.
How can we explain this situation?
Id involves biological impulses, drives and motives. That’s why it’s usually described as the most primitive part of the personality. Id operates according to the pleasure principle. And the situation given in the question just describes how it operates according to this principle. Similarly, id looks for immediate gratification of primitive impulses and doesn’t take into account the suitability of external conditions such as societal norms, others’ rights or emotions. When the need or drive is not satisfied, it leads to a tension. Relieving of the tension (by gratifying the need), on the other hand, results with pleasure. Id operates completely at the unconscious level.