BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS (İŞLETME BİLGİ SİSTEMLERİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Fundamentals of Information Systems soru detayı:



Which ways are used for internal knowledge acquisition?


In internal knowledge acquisition, new knowledge can be produced by transforming explicit and tacit knowledge into each other. This knowledge production can be actualized in four ways:

  1. Transformation from tacit knowledge to tacit knowledge: It is the process of one’s sharing his/her knowledge with others. This process takes place in such a way that the accumulation of knowledge acquired over years is shared with other individuals, while the other individuals observe, imitate, and apply this knowledge to themselves. The knowledge acquired in this way is added to the individual’s own tacit knowledge and therefore, tacit knowledge is transformed into a new form of tacit knowledge. This process is called socialization. Master-apprentice relationship is an example for such knowledge transfer or production.
  2. Transformation from explicit knowledge to explicit knowledge: Reformation of existing information in business through classifications, aggregations, additions or reductions may result in generation of new knowledge. Accordingly, transformation from explicit knowledge to explicit knowledge is the process in which the new knowledge is combined with explicit knowledge that is different but can only be coherent when they are related with one another. Transformation of collected information into reports is an example of such knowledge transformation. Such transformation process can be termed as combination.
  3. Transformation from tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge: It is the process of transforming tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge with the help of words, numbers, visual or audial tools, and sharing with other persons and units. Putting a supervisor’s observations about the factory into report form or documenting the application steps about standard activity processes are examples of transforming tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge. This process is called externalization. Because the acquired knowledge is brought in business, it will not cause any problem when an employee, who has the tacit knowledge, quits the job.
  4. Transformation from explicit knowledge to tacit knowledge: It is the process of knowledge generation in the form of having experience by using explicit sources of knowledge. This is learned by practicing. It is enhancing practitioner’s tacit knowledge by increasing his/her ability or experience through assimilation of explicit knowledge or adding new ones. This process is defined as internalization. Business employees transform explicit knowledge into tacit knowledge when they apply updated data and information along with rules, and when they use them in business processes.