BUSINESS LAW (İŞLETME HUKUKU) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Labour and Social Security Law soru detayı:



Who are entitled to benefit from unemployment insurance?


• Unemployment insurance premiums shall have been paid in the last 120 days before the termination of the employment contract.
• Unemployment insurance premiums shall have been paid for a minimum of 600 days in the last three years before the termination of the employment contract.
• Termination of the employment contract shall be a result of the reasons set forth in article 51 of the Act No. 4447 which are not due to the malice or fault of the insured person. These reasons are listed could be one of the following:
- Termination of the employment contract by the employer with notice
- Termination of the employment contract by the employee without notice
- Termination of the employment contract by the employer without notice for reasons stipulated in article 25/I, and article 25/III of the Labour Act
- Unemployment as a result of expiration of the term of the fixed term employment contract.
- Termination of the employment contract as a result of the transfer or permanent shut down of the establishment or the change in the nature of the work or the establishment
? The insured person requesting unemployment benefits should not be receiving old-age pension of the SSI.
? The insured person shall apply to İŞKUR requesting payment of unemployment benefits.