BUSINESS LAW (İŞLETME HUKUKU) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Labour and Social Security Law soru detayı:



Who is entitled to severance allowance?


• The employee shall have at least one year seniority working under the same employer

• The employment contract shall have ended
due to specific reasons:

- Termination by the employer. As a rule, termination by the employer will grant the employee the right to severance allowance if other conditions are met.

- Termination by the employee. Although termination by the employee, in principle, does not grant him/her the right to severance allowance, there are exceptions to this rule. Accordingly, in the following cases, termination by the employee will award him/her the right to claim severance allowance if other conditions are met:

? Termination by the employee with a just cause
? Termination by the employee for the purpose of performing compulsory military service

? Termination by the employee with the objective of receiving old-age pensions or invalidity pension

? Termination by the woman employee within one year following the date of her marriage

? Termination by trade union officers with a view to perform their union duties

? Death of the employee. In case the employment relationship ends due to the death of the employee, severance allowance of the deceased employee shall be paid to his/her heirs.