POLITICAL THOUGHT (SİYASAL DÜŞÜNCELER) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Radicals of Political Thought in the 19th Century soru detayı:



Who is the founder of collectivist anarchism and violent anarchism?


Bakunin is known as the founder of collectivist anarchism and violent anarchism. He thought that the greatest obstacle in front of human freedom was the state. He advocated terrorism, destruction and revolution for social change. He thought that the social institutions were devices to deprive people of their freedom, dominate and enslave them. He rejected religion and belief in God, because he thought that believing in a superhuman power such as God meant the abandonment of free human spirit, and the enslavement of people to a suggested supreme being. He rejected all forms of institutionalized authority and hierarchy and aimed absolute freedom. He suggested that true freedom can only be realized with the complete destruction of the state.