POLITICAL SCIENCE (SİYASET BİLİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Fundamental Concepts of Politics soru detayı:



Why do modern writers prefer using the term ‘Political Science’ to ‘Politics’?


In the normal sense, the term ‘Politics’ means the current politics or day-to-day problems of the state and government, which are economic, political, cultural, religious problems, and so on. Therefore, the word Politics does not bring to our mind the whole range of knowledge pertaining to the state in theory and political institutions. However, the term ‘Political Science’, in its current usage, is much more comprehensive than the term Politics. It implies the whole range of knowledge regarding the State and embraces the theory of States. This includes both theoretical and practical or applied politics. On the theoretical side, it is concerned with questions like the nature, origin, purpose and justification of the State and is known as Political Philosophy. On the practical side, it is concerned with the structure, functions and forms of political institutions and is known as constitutional government or Comparative Politics.