DIPLOMACY (DİPLOMASİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Historical Evolution of Diplomacy: Transition to Permanent Diplomacy soru detayı:



Why in the Renaissance Italy did the early institutions of modern democracy emerge?


Firstly, the political equation among small Italian city states facilitated the consolidation of diplomacy as a preferred tool for solution of the problems in the Peninsula. Italian city states were in fact feudal units controlled by certain dynasties. In other words, each city state was actually the piece of land that was held by a certain noble aristocrat family. In this regard, the institutionalization of equality through Peace of Lodi accelerated the emergence of diplomatic customs as a legitimate practice in Italian Peninsula. Secondly, the common language that is shared by all these small city states served as another facilitator for diplomatic progress in the region. Despite the lack of a political unity among the city states, there was a linguistic unity among them.of correspondence among the city states. This became an asset for the facilitation of dialogue and prepared the ground for diplomatic interactions to become an effective tool in the interstate affairs. Thirdly, the small scale political organization due to over-fragmented political structure in the Peninsula rendered some other coercive political tools such as war much more costly and ineffective. Therefore, a common willingness and consensus emerged among Italian city states to solve their disputes through diplomatic interactions instead of military methods. All these things combined paved the way for institutionalization of diplomacy in a much deeper and organized manner in Italian Peninsula compared to elsewhere in Europe.