STATISTICS II (İSTATİSTİK II) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Correlation and Regression Analysis soru detayı:



Why is regression analysis used?


Since you now know about using Pearson’s correlation coefficient, it is possible to find the degree of a linear relationship between two continuous variables. You can even test the significance of the correlation coefficient for the population. What happens if you want to show a mathematical relationship between two variables? Can you create a model between these two variables? Specifically, can you define a model that represents the linear relationship between an independent variable (x; predictor, explanatory) and dependent variable (y; response, outcome). It is possible to estimate the values of dependent variable by using the values of the independent variable if we can define a model between these two variables. The process of creating a model of the linear relationship between independent variable and dependent variable is called as the regression analysis.