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What is Modernity?


Modernity is a period dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries and extending to the mid-20th century (Kırılmaz and Ayparçası, 2016: 33). It is a historical era that refers to concepts such as the nation state, nationalism, industrialization, proletariat, nuclear family, secularism, urbanization, democracy, bureaucracy,
bourgeoisie, the rule of law (Terzi, 2016: 105).



Who were Fedayeens and why were they important in the history of terrorism?


Another group, the Assassins, was established by Hassan-i Sabbah in 1090 (Öz, 1997: 418). It is argued that they had connection to the Batiniyya cult of the Ismaili sect. The Assassins attracted attention due to the assassinations against the front-benchers of enemy states. Its militants were called as Fedayeen, who
were castrated to eliminate the possibility of failure because they might fall in love, marry, or have children. Fedayeen, who were held captive, would either commit suicide by swallowing the opium that they had carried or get killed by the fellow Fedayeen not to confess the secrets of the group.



What does the term Inquisition refer to?


Inquisition, a judicial procedure and later an institution that was established by the papacy and, sometimes, by secular governments to combat heresy. Derived from the Latin verb inquiro (“inquire into”), the name was applied to commissions in the 13th century and subsequently to similar structures in early modern Europe (



What is the definition of terrorism according to Jenkins (1975)?


For Jenkins (1975:13-15), murder, assassination, sabotage, demolition, destruction of public records, spread of rumors, the closure of churches, confiscation of property, corruption of judicial jurisdiction, and corruption of courts each include an act of of terror, because they contribute to the common purpose of creating fear



What are the parameters in Başeren (2006)'s definition of terrorism?


In defining terrorism, it may be helpful to employ some parameters. For example, Başeren (2006) examines the definition of terrorism through such parameters as motive, instrument, goal, and intent.



How many  distinctive subgroup does O’Connor’s Typology of Terrorism (2011) include?


This typology classifies terrorism and terrorists into five distinctive subgroups: by location, by personality trait, by purpose, by target, and by issue



What does Revolutionary group refer to in O’Connor’s Typology of Terrorism?


Revolutionary group aims to replace the existing government by drawing out repressive responses which can be exposed as inhumane (Red Army Faction, PLO, Hezbollah)



How does Terzi (2016) classify the reasons of terrorism?


Terzi (2016:162-172) classifies the reasons (causes) of terrorism into two main categories: subjective reasons and objective reasons. Subjective reasons include cultural and social-psychological reasons whereas objective reasons refer to misgovernment, loose democracy, poverty, wealth inequality, ignorance, intellectual awakening, and intellectual stimulation.



Which countries are included in the The US list of rouge states?


The US list of rouge states: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Cuba, North Korea, and Sudan are the rouge states from the perspective of the American government (see CIA, 2003).



What does wealth inequality refer to in the objective reasons of terrorism?


Wealth inequality: Wealth inequality is another name for the unjust distribution
of wealth. This factor is also essentially connected with “intellectual awakening” or “intellectual stimulation.”



What does the term proxy wars refer to?


Proxy war may be defined as “conflicts in which a third party intervenes indirectly in order to influence the strategic outcome in favor of its preferred faction” (Mumford, 2013:40).



How can we define globalization?


Globalization can be defined as the integration of markets, politics, values, and environmental concerns across the globe.



What is the definition of cyber terrorism according to Terzi (2015)?


Terzi has defined cyber-terrorism in such a way to operationalize Başeren’s concepts and parameters. According to Terzi (2015: 194), cyber terrorism is politically motivated, and its instrument is the terror act itself; that is, it aims at influencing the behavior of millions of people. Its intent is to create impact; it aims at intervening in our daily lives as a result of the prevention of performance



What are some incidents of cyber terrorism according to the Brochure on the Countering Cyber Terrorism Course (held by the Centre of Excellence
Defence against Terrorism in Turkey in 2006)?


• A hacker disabled the computer system of the airport control tower at Worcester/ Massachusetts in 1997.
• A hacker from Sweden jammed the 991 emergency telephone system in the west-central Florida in 1997.
• Someone hacked into Maroochy Shire, which is the Australian waste management control system, and released millions of gallons of raw sewage on the town in 2000.
• A hacker was able to control the computer system that governs the flow of natural gas through the pipelines (Centre of Excellence Defence against Terrorism, 2006: 35)



What is The National Judicial Network Project of Turkey (UYAP)?


The National Judicial Network Project (UYAP) is a management information system which fully automates the judiciary and judicial support units, using all the necessary modern technological improvements. UYAP, developed in a way compatible with the electronic signature infrastructure, has created a central information system, and this system insures complete functional integration between the judiciary and judicial support units (For further information, see Havelsan, 2017).



What are  three main roles of army in combating terrorism according to Robertson (2002)?


The army has three main roles in combating terrorism (Robertson, 2002):
• anti terrorism: defense measures to reduce vulnerability of populations, territories, and infrastructure, information and communication systems.
• counter terrorism: offensive measures to track down, prevent, deter, and interdict terrorist activities.
• result management: measures to limit the consequences of terrorist attacks, and to stabilize the situation in the aftermath of such attacks with the support of civilian authorities.



What does the Global Anti-Terrorism Strateg adopted by The United Nations General Assembly include?


This is “a unique global instrument to develop national, regional, and international efforts to combat terrorism. Those practical steps include a wide range of measures ranging from strengthening state capacity to counter terrorist threats to better coordinating United Nations system’s counterterrorism activities” (UN, 2018a).



How many countries does The Global Counterterrorism Forum include?


The Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) is an “international forum of 29 countries and the European Union with a mission of reducing the vulnerability of people worldwide to terrorism by preventing, combating, and prosecuting terrorist acts, and countering incitement and recruitment to terrorism. The forum brings together experts and practitioners from countries and regions around the world to share experiences and expertise, and develops tools and strategies on how to encounter the evolving terrorist threat” (GCTF, 2018).



What are the major weaknesses of International anti-terrorism initiatives?


International anti-terrorism initiatives continue to suffer from three major
weaknesses: 1) the problem of how to define terrorism, 2) inadequate efforts, 3) the limited resources and expertise



What does The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) refer to?


The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an inter-governmental body established in 1989 by the Ministers of its Member jurisdictions. The objectives of the FATF are to set standards and promote effective implementation of legal, regulatory and operational measures for combating money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international
financial system. The FATF is therefore a “policymaking body” which works to generate the necessary political will to bring about national legislative and regulatory reforms in these areas (