Toplam 20 Soru & Cevap#1
What is a regime theory?
CEVAP: According to Keohane, regime theory is a theory for explaining and understanding the international cooperation intending the coordination and harmonization of interest among nations.
According to Keohane, regime theory is a theory for explaining and understanding the international cooperation intending the coordination and harmonization of interest among nations.
What is an international regime?
CEVAP: An international regime can be defined as explicit or implicit norms, rules, principles and decision making processes related to certain issue areas/ subjects.
An international regime can be defined as explicit or implicit norms, rules, principles and decision making processes related to certain issue areas/ subjects.
According to Conca, what are the narrow and broader definitions of regime?
CEVAP: Conca stated that regime can be defined in narrow and broader meanings. According to broader definition, it is understood as patterns of behaviors in international relations, whereas in narrow meaning, it can be defined as conditioning the behaviors of states consciously to realize collective goals, and can be seen as a specific version of international institutions.
Conca stated that regime can be defined in narrow and broader meanings. According to broader definition, it is understood as patterns of behaviors in international relations, whereas in narrow meaning, it can be defined as conditioning the behaviors of states consciously to realize collective goals, and can be seen as a specific version of international institutions.
How do the liberal institutionalists approach to regimes?
CEVAP: According to liberal institutionalizes regimes enable states to collaborate, promote the common good, flourish best when promoted and maintained by a benign hegemon and promote globalization and a liberal world order.
According to liberal institutionalizes regimes enable states to collaborate, promote the common good, flourish best when promoted and maintained by a benign hegemon and promote globalization and a liberal world order.
How do realists approach to regimes?
According to realists, regimes enable states to coordinate and generate differential benefits for states. Power is the central feature of regime formation and survival and the nature of world order depends on the underlying principles and norms of regimes.
What are the critiques of international regimes?
Regime theory accepts the states as basic actors and ignorance of the non-state actors.
Regime theory can only be applied to liberal sates.
Regime theories are constructed on the theory of hegemony that refers to asymmetric relations among states.
What is the purpose of international regimes?
CEVAP: The purpose of regimes is to form a frame for facilitating the solution of problems through treaties.
The purpose of regimes is to form a frame for facilitating the solution of problems through treaties.
What can be the contents of international regimes?
CEVAP: International regimes may be formed in every field of subjects of international relations such as human rights, environment, security issues, seas, outer space, straits, rivers as well as economic, financial, commercial subjects and diplomatic behaviour.
International regimes may be formed in every field of subjects of international relations such as human rights, environment, security issues, seas, outer space, straits, rivers as well as economic, financial, commercial subjects and diplomatic behaviour.
What can be the limitation of international regimes?
CEVAP: States, in many subjects, would face some limitations of international regimes which constrain their sovereign rights, so they are blurred to determine the subjects either domestic or global in character. For example, use of waters, use of natural resources, protection of wild life, animal rights, prevention of environmental pollution are the subjects that states are not willing to share their authority, in time some developments such as globalization, economic, social and cultural interactions have caused these subjects to be international.
States, in many subjects, would face some limitations of international regimes which constrain their sovereign rights, so they are blurred to determine the subjects either domestic or global in character. For example, use of waters, use of natural resources, protection of wild life, animal rights, prevention of environmental pollution are the subjects that states are not willing to share their authority, in time some developments such as globalization, economic, social and cultural interactions have caused these subjects to be international.
What is the main reason of the violation deterrence of regimes?
CEVAP: The regulations and rules of the international regimes are in general adopted by public opinions and those states willing to violate rules are even objected by their own people.
The regulations and rules of the international regimes are in general adopted by public opinions and those states willing to violate rules are even objected by their own people.
What are the common assumptions of liberal and realist approaches to regimes?
CEVAP: Common assumptions of liberal and realist approaches to regimes are:
States operate in an anarchic international system.
States are rational and unitary actors.
States are the units responsible for establishing regimes.
Regimes are established on the basis of cooperation in the international system.
- Regimes promote international order.
Common assumptions of liberal and realist approaches to regimes are:
States operate in an anarchic international system.
States are rational and unitary actors.
States are the units responsible for establishing regimes.
Regimes are established on the basis of cooperation in the international system.
- Regimes promote international order.
Why would any documentary study on the development of regimes mean the same as examining the historical development of cooperation?
CEVAP: Because the background of efforts for regime formation goes back to old times. According to Haas, process in this subject followed a parallel development to the development of knowledge and consciousness of humankind.
Because the background of efforts for regime formation goes back to old times. According to Haas, process in this subject followed a parallel development to the development of knowledge and consciousness of humankind.
What would happen if states didn't have common interests or if they preferred unilateral initiatives?
International regime would be impossible. The areas of regime formation are probably either the areas (which are) out of authority of states, or the areas that unilateral regulations aren’t preferred by states. For example, since the states don’t prefer the unilateral regulations that might cause confusion, regulations regarding the seas would be needed. Similarly, civil aviation or use of outer space would not be allowed to unilateral regulations of states.
Why are regulations related to international markets different from the other situations?
CEVAP: Because in international markets, the states rarely have common interest. In contrast, unilateral initiatives of states don’t create any cost for them; even provide some flexibility. It would provide exporting or importing countries to differentiate the prices for different markets.
Because in international markets, the states rarely have common interest. In contrast, unilateral initiatives of states don’t create any cost for them; even provide some flexibility. It would provide exporting or importing countries to differentiate the prices for different markets.
How can international regimes be advantageous in situations like the use of the seas and space?
CEVAP: Regulations or regimes in areas like in open seas and international air spaces would eliminate the confusion of authority, and reduce the cost of air transportation. Therefore, these regimes, instead of limiting, increase the autonomy for states.
Regulations or regimes in areas like in open seas and international air spaces would eliminate the confusion of authority, and reduce the cost of air transportation. Therefore, these regimes, instead of limiting, increase the autonomy for states.
Why are economic regimes not as strong as regimes in security issues?
CEVAP: Even in the conditions of liberal foreign trade regimes, states try to eliminate difficulties which are imposed by some others to access to the internal markets through some unilateral measures related to invisible barriers because states have tendencies to apply such barriers and protectionist behaviours to close their domestic markets to foreign competition. Therefore, economic regimes aren’t as strong as regimes in security issues
Even in the conditions of liberal foreign trade regimes, states try to eliminate difficulties which are imposed by some others to access to the internal markets through some unilateral measures related to invisible barriers because states have tendencies to apply such barriers and protectionist behaviours to close their domestic markets to foreign competition. Therefore, economic regimes aren’t as strong as regimes in security issues
What are the conditions that states would not need to form a regime?
CEVAP: - States wouldn’t need to form a regime, if they have opportunity to behave unilaterally without jeopardizing the interests of others.
- If states having common interest could behave in the same manner, they don’t need an international regime.
- If the best strategy of one state is the better of the worst strategy of the others, then states would not need to establish a regime to act in the same way.
- States wouldn’t need to form a regime, if they have opportunity to behave unilaterally without jeopardizing the interests of others.
- If states having common interest could behave in the same manner, they don’t need an international regime.
- If the best strategy of one state is the better of the worst strategy of the others, then states would not need to establish a regime to act in the same way.
What is the main purpose in adopting he broader definition of regime?
CEVAP: Main purpose of adopting the broader definition is to indicate the regulations related to international topics, civil societies, social movements and global governance.
Main purpose of adopting the broader definition is to indicate the regulations related to international topics, civil societies, social movements and global governance.
"Regime, at least for simple meaning, refers to rules of game."
What is meant by "game" in the statement above?
"Game of international politics"
Why are regimes considered to be both reasons and results determining and influencing the behaviours?
CEVAP: Puchala ve Hopkins state in their study that regime is a conceptual framework to understand the behaviors of states and to explain the situation which couldn’t be explained before. In this sense, regimes both regulate and constrain the behaviors of states. Therefore, regimes can be both reasons and results determining and influencing the behaviors.
Puchala ve Hopkins state in their study that regime is a conceptual framework to understand the behaviors of states and to explain the situation which couldn’t be explained before. In this sense, regimes both regulate and constrain the behaviors of states. Therefore, regimes can be both reasons and results determining and influencing the behaviors.