Theorıes Of Internatıonal Relatıons I Ara 10. Deneme Sınavı
Toplam 20 Soru1.Soru
Which writer below has not contributed to post-modernism?
Jean-François Lyotard |
Roland Barthes |
Thomas Kuhn |
Gilles Deleuze |
Luce Irigaray |
- Jean-François Lyotard, Roland Barthes, Judith Butler, Gilles Deleuze, Luce Irigaray, Paul Feyerabend, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault and Richard Rorty are among the writers that made valuable contributions to post-modernism.
- Thomas Kuhn and Richard Rorty, contemporary representatives of pragmatism, also point out that a paradigm can only be valid as long as it can solve the problem. For Kuhn, survival of a paradigm depends on its problem-solving capacity.
Which approach assumes that every belief or assumption is questionable and might change if necessary?
Realism |
Rationalism |
Pragmatism |
Liberalism |
Marxism |
What is a possible inferrence from the saying "Man is wolf to another man" in field of internatioanl relations?
Humanism is above all else in international relations. |
Liberal approaches to various issues would make the world a better place. |
Acquisiton of power is very important in international relations. |
Co-operation among states is a key to peace in the world. |
Hostility is evitable in international relations. |
“The [realist] tradition focuses on the nationstate as the principle actor in international relations and its central proposition is that since the purpose of statecraft is national survival in an hostile environment, the acquisition of power is the proper, rational and inevitable goal of foreign policy (Evans and Newnham, 1998: 465). In this view, international arena is the scene of power politics and power, in that matter, it is conceptualized as both a means and an end in itself. In other words, international actors, nation-states notably, seek to gain power and it is this power what helps them survive in this environment in which reigns homo homini lupus est (man is wolf to another man) principle.
"In the state of nature, individuals lived together out of fear and they had the right to do anything necessary for survival in their struggle for life."
Which of the following philosophers stated the view quoted above?
Immanuel Kant |
Adam Smith |
David Hume |
Richard Cobden |
Thomas Hobbes |
According to realist philosopher Thomas Hobbes, in the state of nature, individuals lived together out of fear and they had the right to do anything necessary for survival in their struggle for life. This rather pessimistic view is at a distance from liberal ideas on state of nature and natural rights of human beings. In the Hobbesian (realist) tradition, for order in social life, obedience to law is important and the sovereign has the authority to use power. In terms of liberty, people are under complete subjection by the sovereign so through liberal lenses, their rights are not safe. Hobbes’ ideas have provided the philosophy behind the growth of the realist tradition in IR.
Which of the following can not be a basis of democratic peace theory?
Ability to overcome anarchy and power politics. |
Capability of maintaining peace. |
Faith in human rationality. |
Peace enhancing effects of trade. |
Mutual advatages of politics. |
Following the liberal tradition; democratic peace theory is based on
(1) faith in human rationality,
(2) capability of maintaining peace,
(3) ability to overcome anarchy and power politics,
(4) peace enhancing effects of trade. Correct answer is E.
Which one of the following is true about liberalism?
the political and economic behaviors needs to be separated in to two distinct issue areas. |
The liberal reading of IR is composed of both ordinary and individual behaviors characteristic. |
Human freedom is thought to cumulate through cooperation, interaction and interdependence in liberal tradition. |
Liberalism has criticized because of inadequacy to explain international cooperation and narrow definitions of the national interest. |
The liberal scholars were affected by the act of national governments. |
In liberalism, the political and economic behaviors cannot be separated from each other. It is impossible to categorize them as two distinct issue areas. The liberal reading of IR is composed of both conflictual and cooperative behaviors of states, non-state entities and individuals. Also, liberalism has criticized realism’s inadequacy to explain international cooperation and argues that the realist analyses are confined with the limits of narrow definitions of the national interest. The liberal scholars were affected by the international circumstances around them such as the Cold War or the increasing effects of globalization. Correct answer is C.
Which below is a summary of the classical realist point of view regarding politics?
All politics is struggle for power. |
Politics is focused mainly on welfare of people. |
Politicians are concerned about universal moral values while acting. |
Politics is governed by ethics. |
States do not need politics to survive. |
Given classical realist point of view that sees “all politics” whether international or domestic, as a “struggle for power” and its distinction between “high” and “low” politics, it can be claimed that “the difference between domestic politics and international relations”, in classical realist thought, “are of degree, not of kind” (Halliday, 2012: 25).
Which one of the following is not one of the criticisms of Marxism?
The class structure today is more complex than the capitalists-workers or bourgeois-proletariat distinction. |
The capitalist structure today can be said to be less exploitative. |
It is an undeniable fact that workers have a lot more to say through worker unions. |
The Marxist hypothesis that is determined by the economic infrastructure, controlled by the capitalists, to create false consciousness is questionable. |
The socialist revolutions in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe led to greater equality and freedom. |
The socialist revolutions in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe led to greater equality and freedom.
Which of the following is NOT one of the goals of United Nation's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)?
eradicating extreme poverty and hunger |
ensuring environmental sustainability |
promoting gender equality and empowering women |
developing a global partnership for sustainable world economy |
combatting fatal diseases |
The United Nations' Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2000 has a total of eight goals revealed within this program were eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality and empowering women, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, combatting fatal diseases, ensuring environmental sustainability, and developing a global partnership for development. The correct answer is D.
Which of the following major theories of International Relations try to explain war and peace through economic reasons?
Globalism |
Classical realism |
Neo-realism |
Liberalism |
Pluralist |
Realist approaches focus on the security problems of the states in the anarchical nature of the international system, and pluralists research on how to realize peace and cooperation in the face of multi actors and their interdependent relations in terms of economic, political and social fields. Globalism tries to explain war and peace through economic reasons, war and conflicts emanate from contradictions of capitalism. The correct answer is A.
Liberals reject the distinction made by __________ between international and domestic politics, since they see foreign policy as an extension of the latter.
communists |
institutionalists |
realists |
fascists |
neoliberalists |
Which of the following theories supports the assumption that "great powers … are always searching for opportunities to gain power over their rivals, with hegemony as their final goal"?
Realism |
Neo-realism |
Neo-classical realism |
Defensive realism |
Offensive realism |
Mearscheimer claims that states seek hegemony; they all want to become, ultimately, regional hegemons. His theory, as it is called, offensive realism is built upon the assumption that “[G]reat powers… are always searching for opportunities to gain power over their rivals, with hegemony as their final goal” (Mearsheimer, 2001: 29). The correct answer is E.
Which one of the following is not one of the factors that the capitalist system reinforces to poor countries?
Elites in poor countries are convinced to adapt the consumption patterns of the bourgeoise in rich countries. |
The migration of the most educated and talented people to developed countries increases the dependency of less developed countries on them. |
Foreign investments and multinational corporations discourage the urge of the host country’s growth. |
Western capitalists create a labor aristocracy in poor countries by paying a small number of skilled workers higher wages. |
Internalization of a country’s economy leads to a higher standard of living. |
Internalization of a country’s economy leads to a higher standard of living.
What refers to the structural inequalities in the international economy?
Economic Planning |
The United Nations Security Council |
The Group of Eight (G8) |
Gross Domestic Product |
The North-South Division |
North-South division refers to the structural inequalities in the international economy.
Which of the following is not among the concepts of classical liberal philosophy?
Individualism |
Freedom |
Natural law |
Politics |
Rule of law |
What refers to a national policy of avoiding political or economic entanglements with other countries?
Postmodernism |
Pluralism |
Isolationism |
Functionalism |
Realism |
Isolationism, in a generic sense, refers to a national policy of avoiding political or economic entanglements with other countries.
Classical liberals oppose to the Kantian cosmopolitanism.
Which of the following states the reason for this opposition?
Kanians valued sovereignty of nations. |
Kantians favored humanitarian intervention. |
Classical liberals state there is no need for a universal enforcer. |
Classical liberals want less free countries to avoid taking developed ones as models. |
Classical liberals want international law to be flexible in protecting individual rights. |
Classical liberals oppose to the Kantian cosmopolitanism on the ground that there is no need for a universal enforcer, separate nation states could realize this alone and together, since a universal enforcer itself would be a threat to liberty.
By the same token, classical liberals valued sovereignty of nations, and humanitarian intervention was not their concern. They believed that the developed countries could be models for less free countries through international trade and cultural exchange. States communicate and negotiate through diplomacy and this maintains the stability. In the Grotian view, diplomacy is the bond between members of international society that converge around common norms and goals that is international law (rule of law at international level). Due to the anarchical nature of the international system that lacks a central authority, international law is enforced by the states themselves and the different interpretations of rules may lead to conflicts. Generally, states recognize that it is in their interest to conform to international law. According to classical liberalism, international law must be restricted to the international protection of individual rights. This has been the ground for the establishment of the international governmental organizations since the nineteenth century.
According to defensive realists, what is the main goal of international structure?
Increase their existing power |
Be content with the existing status quo |
Stop others' strive for power |
Preserve their relative power |
Gain as much power as possible |
For defensive realists, international structure incites states to maintain the existing balance of power, the present status quo. So, in this regard, main goal of international actors is to preserve their relative power not to increase it. However, in offensive realist perspective, common belief is that it is extremely rare to find states that are content with the existing status quo. That is because the international structure compels them to maximize their relative power as it is the only way to maximize their security. In that sense, their aggressive actions should be considered as an implication of their natural desire to survive.
Who put forth the idea that the expanding tendencies of states can only be explained through economic interests?
Joseph A. Schumpeter |
Hans J. Morgenthau |
Raymond Aron |
Georg W. F. Hegel |
Vladimir I. Lenin |
Joseph A. Schumpeter argued that international conflicts certainly precede advanced capitalism and the emergence of advanced capitalist states. Hans J. Morgenthau argued that it is the ruling classes, not the capitalists, in any state who take the decisions to go to war. Raymond Aron, in analyzing the First World War, gives a special importance to the Anglo-German rivalry over arms race and sphere of influence, denying that this had much to do with capitalism. Lenin viewed the First World War as a struggle among the advanced capitalist powers for the control of colonies and markets. The correct answer is E.
Which of the following argues that "there is no logical link between anarchy and war, but it is the conditions (prevailing rules and expectations of states) that matter"?
Republican liberals |
Post-liberals |
Classic liberals |
Neoliberals |
All types of liberals |
Neoliberals argue that there is no logical link between anarchy and war, but it is the conditions (prevailing rules and expectations of states) that matter. States use international institutions for reputation and reciprocity in a way for their selfish reasons, but in the end enabling them to have mutually beneficial outcomes. Neoliberalism is criticized for its lack of a development-centered approach where the developed North should have moral responsibilities to the underdeveloped and developing South, by for example realizing redistributive policies towards them.