Theorıes Of Internatıonal Relatıons I Ara 2. Deneme Sınavı

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Which of the following is TRUE about pragmatism?

Knowledge must depend on observation and experiment.

Knowledge can only be reached through reason.

Reality can only be acquired without experiment or observation.

The main source of human knowledge is data (fact) and it is easily observed.

Our beliefs influence our actions directly and orientate them to a certain way.


Which of the following is a key concept of classical philosophy that is also commonly mentioned by liberal writers?

rule of God


spontaneous order

unlimited state



Which of the following states an argument against postmodernism?

Postmodernism is an alternative effort only related with the international relations.

Postmodernism is too influential in the field of International Relations.

Postmodernism does not challenge the scientific standpoints of modernism.

Postmodernists criticize all other methodologies by offering replacements.

Postmodernists don’t introduce an alternative methodology or viewpoint. 


Which cannot be said to be one of the characteristics of realism?

It is pessimist about human reason. 

It is not convinced that humans can achieve liberal goals. 

It is not utopist. 

It was provoked by authoritarian political currents.

It has been the dominant theory in international relations since 1920s. 


  1. It refers to an interest that encompasses the values, expectations and aspirations of the people of the state, as well as their security from external threats and their material well-being.
  2. It is the more effective guide to foreign policy than the moral or traditional considerations of a given state.

Which terms is described by the above sentences?

National security

National interest

National peace

National economy

National ethics


Which of the following political tradition does the argument below depend on?

“Democratic peace theory argues that democracies can maintain peaceful relations among each other, owing to shared values and common approach in domestic republican governance.”



Classical liberal

Classical realist



Which of the following argued that rational capacities of humans could overcome both traditions and the passions?








Which three main intellectual sources does Marxism draw from?

German philosophy-English political economy-French utopianism

German philosophy-English economic philosophy-French utopianism

German philosophy-American pragmatism-French utopianism

German dualism-English political economy-French idealism

German philosophy-English realism-French determinism


Who provided Karl Marx with a first approxiamation of his labor theory?

Friedrich Engels

Georg W. F. Hegel

Adam Smith

Charles Fourier

the Comte de Saint-Simon


Which of the following is TRUE according to realism?

Nature of human and states are the major actors of international politics.

Political and military issues are secondary topics to be concerned.

The pre-determined authority governs the relations among states.

The structure of international system is considered democratic.

Commerce, finance and health issues are high politics.


In system theories, state is accepted as an entity responding to the effects from outside, i.e., like a billiard ball or black box whereby internal features are ____________.







Which of the following is not one of the assumptions of realist theory?

States are the central and most important actors of world politics.

State is seen as a unitary actor.

States are rational actors.

People are the central and most important actors in world politics.

Military and related political issues dominate world politics.


In addition to the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism by workers, what did Marx and Engels envision that would be eventually attained?

A classless society

An autocratic society

A neoliberal society

A utopian society

A dystopian society


Which of the following consept is a positivesum game which means that all participants benefit from its priviliges, outcomes through liberal lenses?







Which of the following states the reason why neorealist paradigm of international relations is not capable of offering an explicit policy guidance

They have little or no choice owing to the confining international structure in which they must operate. 

International actors are not interested in having a solid framework to facilitate foreign policy. 

New developments in international relations do not leave any room for initiations.

State leaders are not interested in confronting the practical problems of world politics. 

They do not want to change the balance of power and threat in IR.


Which of the following cannot be said about International Relations (IR) according to realists?

States are unitary actors capable of rational decision making.

There is no central authority to govern the relations among states.

Basic agenda of IR are security issues.

Multinational companies are the major actors of international politics.

Norms and rules should be applied to IR for preserving peace and order.


Which of the following scholars is in favor of bipolarity to organize international relations?

Raymond Aron

Kenneth Waltz

Hans Morgenthau

Randall Schweller

John Mearschimer


Which of the following is NOT one of the key concepts of classical liberal philosophy?

Priority of the national interest

Spontaneous order

Rule of law

Natural law

Limited state


Which of the following is NOT among the criticism that Marxism has received?

The class structure today is more complex than the capitalists-workers or bourgeois-proletariat distinction.

The capitalist structure today can be said to be less exploitative.

Whoever controlled the means of production may not also be controlling the economic infrastructure in today's institutions. 

Many different factors shape human history not only economic laws as stated by Marxism.

In modern companies, there is less alienation observed as opposed to the claim by Marxist theory.


What is the term used to describe a method of philosophical argument that involves some sort of contradictory process between opposing sides?





False consciousness