Theorıes Of Internatıonal Relatıons I Ara 6. Deneme Sınavı

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Central to Marxist theory is an explanation of social change in terms of economic factors and class struggle between ...

capitalists and proletariat

the lower class and the middle class

proletariat and the middle class

capitalists and the middle class

slaves and proletariat


Classical liberals see ___________ as a threat whenever it starts to limit the individual freedom and is shaped towards imperialism.







Which of the following is true about John Locke?

His defense of property rights and religious toleration did not mean much to liberal thinkers.

His book ‘Second Treatise on Government’ is the best summary of his philosophy on individual freedom and state’s limited role.

John Locke argued that state of nature was state of war.

John Locke believed that humans in a natural state of freedom would immediately respect others’ right to freedom

According to Locke, the state of nature is one of limitations and compliance.


Why are economic organizations like the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund not in conformity with the classical liberal tradition?

They pose a threat to sovereign states.

They set limits to the individual freedom.

Their actions force sovereign states to act violently.

They interfere with the free market.

They undervalue the vast impact of capitalism.


Which of the following is not among the basic assumptions of positivism?

True knowledge can only be acquired through observations.

A priori knowledge is accepted as universal and deductive. 

Research must be based on the methods of empirical verification or falsification.

There should be a distinction between facts and values.

Deductive or inductive methods are employed in research.


By using which theory, Marx argues that workers in the capitalist society do not own the means of production, such as machines, raw materials, or factories?

The theory of superstructure

The theory of labor

The theory of value

The theory of alienation

The theory of infrastructure


What type of realism does the definition “it explicitly incorporates both external and internal variables, updating and systematising certain insights drawn from classical realist thought" refer to?

Neoclassical realism

Structural realism

Classical realism

Offensive realism

Defensive realism


Which below can be inferred from the statement  “the vast majority of IR theorists are not realists because of its pessimistic conviction that there are severe limitations on human reason and its ability to achieve the progressive, liberal goals that most of us take for granted as moral truths"?

There are not many IR theorists who can be considered realists. 

Most of IR theorists are strongly realists. 

Moral truths are what IR realists are mostly concerned with.

Human reason is capabable of achieving progress without limits. 

Liberal goals do not interest most of IR theorists. 


"To Marx, each class is defined chiefly by its relation to the production process. The interests of the capitalists lie in securing their power and expanding profits. Workers, on the other hand, have interests in higher wages and better working conditions."

Taking into account the view above, what should workers do for better working conditions and higher wages?

Looking for well-paid job opportunities

Ensuring the bosses that they really work hard

Work for a new distribution of power

Compromise with the bosses in power 

Contribute more to expand the profits


Which of the following is NOT one of the assumptions closely associated with positivism?

There is no important difference between natural world and social world.

There are regularities in the social world, just as are in the universe or natural World.

There should be a distinction between facts and values.

Priori knowledge is important and can guide scientific research.

Research must be based on the methods of empirical verification or falsification.


Who wrote  the well-known article titled “The Level-of-Analysis Problem in International Relations” in 1969?







Which of the following is NOT among the assumptions of realist theory of international relations?

States are the central and most important actors of world politics.

State is seen as a unitary actor from the realist point of view, 

Incarnated in the leader, states are rational (purposive) actors.

Military and related political issues dominate world politics.

Socio-economic issues are considered high-politics.


When did international relations was born as a discipline?

First world war

second world war

Cold war


Industrial revolution


What is the concept that the Wilsonian doctrine revolved around and seen by some realists as an effort of idealists to escape from the reality of problem of the management of power?

Collective security

Balance of power

Power of order

Mutual dependence

Harmony of interests


Following the liberal tradition, democratic peace theory is not based on__________________________________. 

faith in human rationality

capability of maintaining peace

ability to overcome anarchy

peace enhancing effects of trade

conflicts among the countries


Which of the following expressions is used to criticize liberal theory of International Relations?







"The government played central role for enforcement of rules and coercion that were crucial for sustaining order. Both liberty and protection of the individual depended on laws enforced by the state." What is the given definition known as?

Social utility



The rule of law

Classical liberalism


Which enlightenment philosopher argued that "human reason one day would be mature enough to establish a world society of harmony and peace"?

Thomas Hobbes

Adam Smith

David Ricardo

David Hume

Immanuel Kant


The sub-theories of Marxism are ...  I. The Theory of Alienation II. The World System Theory III. The Materialist Conception of History IV. The Labor Theory of Value

I, II and III

III and IV

I, III and IV

I and IV

II and IV


Which of the following scholars has come up with the theory of world system?

Immanuel M. Wallerstein

Antonio Gramsci

Raul Prebich

Thomas Weisskopf

Johann Galtung