Theorıes Of Internatıonal Relatıons I Final 13. Deneme Sınavı
Toplam 12 Soru1.Soru
Which theoretical approach to IPE argues that the key to national wealth is economic growth which is made through free trade, the free flow of goods, services and investment across borders, and thus, imports and exports should flourish with as little restriction as possible?
Economic Liberalism |
Economic Nationalism |
The dependency approach |
Economic Structuralism |
The Marxist approach |
The liberal approach can perhaps be best summarized by the writings of Adam Smith who argues that the key to national wealth, and therefore national power, is economic growth. The key to economic growth is free trade, the free flow of goods, services and investment across borders. Hence, political leaders should allow trade among nations to expand and keep government intervention in that trade down to a minimum. This means that imports and exports should flourish with as little restriction as possible. The correct answer is A.
Which of the following is not one of the four defining elements of the English School as determined by Roy Jones?
They consider International relations to be an autonomous subject rather than a part of (international) politics. |
They examine order in the world in terms of the structure of relations between sovereign nation-states. |
They have a common style that does not involve the use of statistics, geometry, algebra, and avoids the rhetoric of world issues such as poverty and monetary reform. |
They are committed to holism in the sense that the whole is more than the summation of its parts. |
They established that international relations as a field has existed for centuries, but has emerged as a subject field from the rise of colonialism. |
The English School does not limit the study (and scope) of the field of international relations to the colonial and post-colonial eras.
Who, elaborating the concepts of hegemony and cooperation in the study titled as “After Hegemony”, stated that hegemonic leader would assist to establishing order?
Puchala and Hopkins |
Arthur A. Stein |
Stephen D. Krasner |
Robert Keohane |
Haggard and Simmons |
Robert Keohane elaborating the concepts of hegemony and cooperation in the study titled as “After Hegemony”, stated that hegemonic leader would assist to establishing order. Thus, the correct answer is D.
According to_____ , by forming a higher authority, individuals would accept voluntarily to leave their certain rights to preserve their freedoms and security (freedom of life).
Hegel |
Locke and Rousseau |
Kant |
Bentham and Mill |
Hobbes |
According to Locke and Rousseau, by forming a higher authority, individuals would accept voluntarily to leave their certain rights to preserve their freedoms and security (freedom of life). Social contract theory depends on the assumption that the individuals might voluntarily bind themselves to the certain principles. From this point, like stag hunt model of game theory, individuals would sacrifice their small satisfactions to reach a highest satisfaction.
"____________ refers to the conditions under which States may resort to war or to the use of armed force in general." Fill in the blank with he correct statement.
pacta sund servanda |
recta ratio |
Bonum commune communitatis |
Jus ad bellum |
Homo homini lupus |
Jus ad bellum refers to the conditions under which States may resort to war or to the use of armed force in general. The prohibition against the use of force amongst States and the exceptions to it (self-defence and UN authorization for the use of force), set out in the United Nations Charter of 1945, are the core ingredients of jus ad bellum. According to these, the correct answer is option D.
Which of the concept below defines the idea that all of humanity belongs to a single global community?
nationalism |
globalization |
cosmopolitanism |
imperialism |
utopia |
Every human being was seen as a citizen of the world in his capacity of “reason” regardless of bloodlineage and racial origins.
The book Imperialism: A Study attempts to explain the rise of new imperialism in the 1870s and 1880s when Great Britain, together with the other European powers, engaged in a scramble for colonies.
Which of the following gives the writer of the book mentioned above?
Hans J. Morgenthau |
Vladimir Lenin |
Herbert Spencer |
John Stuart Mill |
John A. Hobson |
Hobson (1858-1940) was an English economist influenced by liberal thinkers, such as John Stuart Mill and Herbert Spencer.
In his classic study, Imperialism: A Study, first published in 1902, he attempts to explain the rise of new imperialism in the 1870s and 1880s when Great Britain, together with the other European powers, engaged in a scramble for colonies. This move was different from the previous British pattern where it exercised power through free trade and political control.
Who argues that “regime can be defined in narrow and broader meanings”?
Keohane |
Perritt |
Hurrell |
Rosecrance |
Conca |
Conca (1996) argues that regime can be defined in narrow and broader meanings.
Who argues that cooperation would be possible even in the lack of a hegemonic power in case there are international regimes that assist to establish cooperation?
Keohane |
Krasner |
Conca |
Zacher |
Hopkins |
Keohane adopts the significant role of hegemony for establishing and creating the international regimes. Howver, Keohane opposed the argument that international regimes and cooperation would not be created or continued in post hegemonic era. Keohane, in his study, argues that cooperation would be possible even in the lack of a hegemonic power in case there are international regimes that assist to establish cooperation. In other words, “regimes are examples of cooperative behavior, and facilitate cooperation, but cooperation can take place in the absence of established regimes.
While realists insist that a hegemonic power is necessary for enforcing states to cooperate and that this cooperation may not continue in post hegemonic era, liberals focus that this cooperation would be persisting even after hegemony ended through institutions. This is why cooperation, according to Keohane, should be thought with institutions in the post hegemonic era. The correct answer is A.
I. Economic Liberalism
II. Economic Structuralism
III. Economic Nationalism
IV. Economic Realism
Which of these are the major approaches to international political economy?
I & II. |
I, II & III. |
II & III. |
II, III & IV. |
I, II, III & IV. |
Economic liberalism, economic nationalism and economic structuralism are the three major approaches to international political economy.
In the writings of _____ it is claimed that the principle of utilitarianism (principle of pleasure and satisfaction) should be obeyed to reach to the best.
Bentham and Mill |
Hobbes |
Locke and Rousseau |
Kant |
Augustine |
In the writings of Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), it is claimed that the principle of utilitarianism (principle of pleasure and satisfaction) should be obeyed to reach to the best. For utilitarianism, if fundamental institutions are reshaped or reconstructed for providing the highest satisfaction, then it is certain that the society is regulated rightly.
Which of the following is an accurate definition of international regime theory?
Regime theory is the study and analysis of the rules and ratifications that establish state power structures, ruling, and decision making processes. |
Regime theory is a theory for explaining and understanding the international cooperation intending the coordination and harmonization of interest among nations. |
Explicit or implicit norms, rules, principles and decision making processes related to certain issue areas/subjects. |
A result of consent of states and the limited surrender for independent decision making authority. |
Conditioning the behaviors of states consciously to realize collective goals. |
According to Keohane, regime theory is a theory for explaining and understanding the international cooperation intending the coordination and harmonization of interest among nations. This definition accurately describes international regime theory, while the other definitions are descriptive of the concept of regime itself.