Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 1
Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 1 2012 - 2013 Ara Sınavı
Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 1 2012 - 2013 Ara Sınavı 15.Soru
Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 1 2012 - 2013 Ara Sınavı 15.Soru
transkript: 15 20 numaralısorulaııasa ıdakıparcaya g re :evaplayınıı After we had gone lhrough femmy ıreaımems, we _15_ on gıvmg bınh to a chıld Before we gave ımş decısıon my wıfe and a _1e_ to have chıldren for years ı ıoıcı my wııe mı God would gıve us e emın and ız actually _17 . WhHe we were m Mexıco, In vhs year 2002! we were handed a beauııful baby daughter ın 3 matter 01 days wnhouı even goıng ımough wegaı paperwork What a blessıng We have aîways thanked Gad for our daughter Jane and we _1a_ Gods pmvwdence ın becommg parents lo such a wonder'uî chıid There was ane small pmblem When we were handed me 3 month om baby gm she _19_ a bum cemâcate We ins! thought lhat we wo_uld Just regısler her as our own sınce we could easHy do mıs ın a (u(ewgn Country However! eher careıuı ccnswderetıon, we _zn_ ma: we woum have to ıeıı a senes of Mes ıo fawsıfy papers 15. A) had gwen up B) gave up 0) are gwmg up D) wHIgwe up E) gave up
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