Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 1 2013 - 2014 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru

Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 1 2013 - 2014 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: 7 numaralı soruları as akı parcaya gore cevaplayınız We observe that majonlyof parents paymıors ıo coach thew chıldren Accordmg ıo (he stahshcsmcwadaysaconsiderabîe numberol parems ___1. fmr prwale tuman lor then“ chıwdren The fıgures show mere ...,,2 a steady nse ın me numberoîparems seekıng ouısıue helpla impmve theır cmımen s chances ofgemng good exam grades Across me whole counm/ |ne percemage ofmese parems ...3 m 20 percemmıs year There as a wwdespread vanauon betweenregmns îniwgercmes more and more parems . for exıra lessons, However m ıhe dısadwmaged areas onıys per cent o| parems __5... ım private tuman These (ıgures showlhat prwace ıuıuon ..,s parucuıany fur me unwverswty enıranoe exam Parents naturauy ______ to do the nescfonnew chıwdren But we should aıso consıder max prowdıng pnvaıe tuman lor ıhem puls those cnndren whose parenıs cant aWord u sı ; dısadvanlage 1. A) pay B) have paıd cı are paymg D) were payıng E) wnıbe payvng
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