Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 1 2013 - 2014 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 9.Soru

Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 1 2013 - 2014 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 9.Soru
transkript: s 15 numaralısorula aşagıdakıparçaya e cevaplayını (me ıexı connnues) ı...9... ıhree young emmen undernve and as a cemmumıy acımsı, as a father and academıc. ı onen wonder about the future of my cthan ın En'am How ...1n... men cumııcımg wdenlılıes olbevng Bangladeshı and Brıusm Lake my father ı also feel that educalıon ww be key for mem w nerve out a posılıon m sucwety ıı ...1ı... them to be open mmded mtewgemand ww equıp memo ügm lhe dwscrımmenon ıhaı ıhey wm na doubt encounter as Bangladeshı femmes My eldesi daugmer ...12... for a Campus tour of Goîdsmwhs by some communıw aclwısts last week ı wanted her lu see daddy's workmg envıronmenl ıı ubvıuuslywnrked, as she keeps saymg lo me she ...13... to be a Ieclurer when she ws older Ove( the years, awongsıde academıa, ı ...n... able xo work for charmes and voıunıamy on the streets wım young peopwe Many o| mem v_15._ m gang—related behavrour and me majority had ıen schoow wıthcutquahfıcauons Havmg struggled myseN. ı belıeve that gettmg more dısadvantaged young peopwe mın hwgher educanon ws about buıldmg conndence A) wıllhave B) have C) wıllhave had D) had E) had had
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