Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 1 2015 - 2016 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru

Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 1 2015 - 2016 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: 1 . s. snrularda :' mledeki boşluğu doğru şekilde tamamlayan iladey ulumıı. An Amerıcan acun Robın vwınams a psychıalrıc vamıızy ın Mınnesola ın 2014 He .: en es ye: unknown cucktaıl of prescnpzıon drugs that resulted m ms losing weıghl and wılhdrawmg tmm ms loved ones and sleepıng WHIıams was saıd to have developed Parkinson's dwsease It Shouîd be mentwoned that an(ıpsychohc drugs (lake Amnıy Seroquel. Geodon. etc) also commonîy .....3. mabeıes. obesıty and hyperhpıdemwe. ın eddıuon to the neurologıcal movemenı msorders that mımıc Parkınson's dısease When a panenı Suddenly quwts an(ıpsychotıc drugs (even vi msı used fm non—psychohc ındıcauons ııke msomnıa) wımdrawaı symptoms can occur. such as acuıe psychoses. haımcmacıons, ınsomma and mama Wımın weeks afıer WıHıams' dıscharge from me facııwy m Lwndstrom, MN. he ...4... mmseıı ın (he bedroom oı hıs San Francısco home where he was suffenng muıupıe sıde effects ırom hıs cocktan of drugs. Nowadays some of lelwams (nends .. . ma: me newly prescnbed drugs med hım mıı me meme are avmdıng mcse wogıcaı and ohvıous conclusıons Knowmg (hat Wülvams had been under me care of psychiamsts (or the 1351 sıx weeks of hıs ıııe. certain laboo quesuons need ıo be asked and answered Howeven [here .....6. no answers unless we ge: them ın ms secret demans ov wnaı happened ın the facıhty. mcwumng what brainranerıng drugs he was on A) was emenng E) nacemered e) enlers D) entered E) hasemered
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