Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 1 2015 - 2016 Ara Sınavı 7.Soru

Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 1 2015 - 2016 Ara Sınavı 7.Soru
transkript: 7 . 11. sorularda cümlede oşluğu doğru şekildetamamlayan iladey bulunuz. Los Angewes dropped 96 mHIron “shade baHs“ mta ns water The mastır: haus. wmcn can save water and protect water qualıly. are an attempt ıo cope wan Calılomıa's severe droughl cay ofnuaıs hupe mıHıuns 01 "shade baHs" released mm me Los Angeles Reservoır .. water m me mıdsı eı me worsl drought m Cahfornıa msmry ın the near Mme The reservmr holds up ın 33 mıuon gaıwons. enough to suppıy me cııy Wıth drınkıng water for up m three weeks By adding shade bans mm me water, me ommals .. a... 10 shade and cook me water reducıng evaporalıun from me reservoır and mzkıng wt wess suscepnbie m aıgae, bactenal growth, and chemıcal reaction The balls cost 36 cems each (or a total of su 5 mıuıon The u(ıhty . me concepı sınce 2008. repomng (hai shade baHs reduce evaporauon by as ın 90 perçem Thereime by the year 2016. mey ...1o... nesny suo mılhan gaHons 3 year. enough ıo provıde drmkmg water îor 3,100 peopre Made o| black powyemyıene. shade balls ...11... wılh water so they amn wow away A coalıng reswsts uııravıoree Mght and degradatinn The manuvacmrers say the baHs should last abouı 25 years. A) >sgoınglosave B) aregoingtosave ç) havesaved D) wmbesaved E) >ssawng
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