Busıness Decısıon Models Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1405544
The table provides the possible profit values for the monthly demand levels for each location. The aim of the decision maker is to make the maximum profit. Determine the most appropriate decision for the problem according to the Equally Likely Method.
D1 with 13500 |
D2 with 18625 |
D3 with 19250 |
D1 with 42300 |
D4 with 28250 |
There are four events in the problem. So, the probability of occurrence of each event is 1/4.
District 1 = 10.000*1/4 + 12.500*1/4 + 15.000*1/4 + 16.500*1/4 = 13.500 TL
District 2 = 15.000*1/4 + 17.000*1/4 + 18.000*1/4 + 24.500*1/4 = 18.625 TL
District 3 = 12.000*1/4 + 13.000*1/4 + 20.000*1/4 + 32.000*1/4 = 19.250 TL
District 4 = 21.000*1/4 + 25.000*1/4 + 27.000*1/4 + 40.000*1/4 = 28.250 TL
Since the objective of this decision problem is maximization, decision maker chooses the highest value among the alternatives. The decision maker selects district 4 with 28.250 TL.
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