Foreıgn Polıcy Analysıs Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1110829

  1. It refers to the non-violent conflict between the Western block led by the United States of America and the Eastern block led by Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  2. It lasted between the years 1947 and 1989. 
  3. The term Cold War itself was first coined by George Orwell in 1945
  4. The emergence of a bipolar world order in the international politics marked the period where two competing superpowers dominated world politics.
  5. The main characteristics of the Cold War were ideological antagonism, nuclear arms race and global geopolitical rivalry between the parties.

Which of the statements above regarding Cold War is/are correct?


I and III

I, III, IV and V

II, III, IV and V

I, II, III, IV and V

Yanıt Açıklaması:

The Cold War refers to the non-violent conflict between the Western block led by the United States of America and the Eastern block led by Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and  it lasted between the years 1947 and 1989. The term Cold War itself was first coined by George Orwell in 1945 in order to explain the political and as well as ideological dispute between these two superpowers. During that period, the most ubiquitous fear of the parties of the conflict was nuclear escalation. Basically, nuclear escalation addresses the issue of the rising probability of a thermonuclear war at the end of a nuclear arms race. The emergence of a bipolar world order, (a political system is encompassed by distribution of power between two capable states to the degree of their economic and political resources as well as military facilities) in the international politics marked the period where two competing superpowers dominated world politics. The main characteristics of the Cold War were ideological antagonism, nuclear arms race and global geopolitical rivalry between the parties.

As can be understood from the information given, the correct answer is E. All statements in the options regarding to Cold War are correct.

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