Foreıgn Polıcy Analysıs Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1134988

  1. Territorial
  2. Status
  3. Human Resources
  4. Non-human Resources
  5. Urban Development

Which of the above are the issue areas proposed by James N. Rosenau in the context of foreign policy analysis in his seminal piece of pre-theory?

I and II

I, III and IV

I, II, III and IV

I, III, IV and V

I, II, III, IV and V

Yanıt Açıklaması:

One can claim that it is noteworthy to explain the impact of domestic politics on foreign policy nexus the studies of James Rosenau (1966, 1967). His main contribution to the field by writing his famous pretheory article in 1966 was to see “the concept of issue area as a vertical boundary in politics” (Evans and Newnham, 1998, p.285). Issue area is a term used first by Robert Dahl (1961) as an important element of a political system, but Dahl has not defined the conception of issue-area in a definite way. As stated by Sher (1977, p.44), Dahl labeled three issue-areas “which were of relevance to governmental and nongovernmental leadership, these being urban development, education and nominations”. In this sense, James Rosenau has taken Dahl’s approaches to issue-area and took it one step further. For Rosenau, the conception of issue-area composed of “(i) a cluster of values, the allocation or potential allocation of which (ii) leads the affected or potentially affected actors to differ so greatly over (a) the way which the values should be allocated or (b) the horizontal levels at which the allocations should be authorized that (iii) they engage in distinctive behavior designed to mobilize support for the attainment of their particular values” (Rosenau, 1971, p.141). To put it simply, Rosenau proposed four issue areas in his seminal piece of pre-theory as territorial, status, human resources, and non-human resources.

As also understood from the information given, the correct answer is C. “Territorial”, “Status”, “Human Resources” and “Non-human Resources” are four issue areas proposed by James N. Rosenau in the context of foreign policy analysis in his seminal piece of pre-theory. “Urban Development” is one of the issue areas, not defined the conception of issue-area in a definite way. As stated by Sher (1977, p.44), Dahl labeled three issue-areas “which were of relevance to governmental and nongovernmental leadership, these being urban development, education and nominations”.


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