Hıstory Of Internatıonal Relatıons Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1387625

Which one is not an effect of the revolutions of 1848 upon the Concert of Europe?

The revolutions of 1848 effectively destroyed the absolutist regimes in Europe.

The signatories of the Holy Alliance and founders of the Concert system eventually ceased to exist.

Compromising on common interests became more important than following individual aims.

The revolutions in Austria demonstrated the weakness of the Habsburg monarchy as its empire came to the brink of dissolution.

The rise of liberalism and nationalism with the revolutionary movements and their success in establishing constitutional regimes affected the policy-making of the states.

Yanıt Açıklaması:

After the revolutions of 1848, the major powers found themselves in an atomized state in which each state shifted to its own individual interest rather than compromise on a common interest that promised mutual gains from the existing status quo. "C" is the correct option.

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