Hıstory Of Internatıonal Relatıons Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1392929

I. There was an antagonism between Germany and France.

II. Austria and France were subdued by Germany.

III. The aim was to isolate France and keep an eye on Austria.

Which of the above is correct regarding the conditions Bismarck faced during the 1870s?

Only I

Only II

I and II

II and III

I, II and III

Yanıt Açıklaması:

The distribution of power in Europe was equalized in a sense as France and Austria were subdued by Germany.  Bismarck thought he could best protect Germany’s position by isolating France and closely monitoring Austria. To control both, Bismarck was aware that
Germany’s whole energy needed to be oriented to Europe; he needed not only to direct German foreign policy, but European politics as a whole.

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