Human Resource Management Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1374561

I- The recruitment and selection process aims at selecting the best candidate for the job.

II- The first stage of recruitment is defining requirements. 

III- There are three main recruitment sources: internal and external, and the Internet

IV- Organizations can recruit existing employees through job postings.

Which ones of the above are correct in terms of recruitment function of HRM?


II, III, and IV

I, II, III, and IV

III and IV

II and III

Yanıt Açıklaması:

The recruitment and selection process is a series of hurdles aimed at selecting the best candidate for the job. The first stage of recruitment is defining requirements. These requirements should be clearly defined in order to meet the most appropriate candidate for the job. Another important issue is attracting a candidate. Depending on recruitment sources, the ways of attracting candidates may vary. There are two main recruitment sources, internal and external. Organizations recruit existing employees through job posting, or communicating information about the vacancy on company bulletin boards, in employee publications, on corporate intranets, and anywhere else the organization communicates with employees.

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