Human Resource Management Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1376015

I- Profit margin

II- Labor Turnover

III- Expansion plans

IV- Demographic changes

V- Technological changes

Which ones of the above are the factors considered in determining of human resources needs?

I, II, III, IV, and V

I, III, and IV

II, III, and V

III and V

I, III, and V

Yanıt Açıklaması:

Human resource planning identifies human resources requirements of an organization and supply of human resources. The following describes what is identified by this process:

Replacement of Persons: there are some reasons as to why large number of human resource is recruited in an organization. These reasons are retirement, old age, death, etc. Recruitment could be from internal resources or from external resources. Although for this two case, human resources should get prepared for the vacancy position.

Labor Turnover: There is always labor turnover in every organization. The degree of labor turnover may vary from concern to concern but it cannot be eliminated altogether. There will be a need to recruit new persons to take up the positions of those who have left the organization. If the concern is able to forecast the turnover rate precisely, then advance efforts are made to recruit and train persons so that work does not suffer for want of workers.

Expansion Plans: Businesses always want to expand their activities either national or international. Therefore, they expand their activities, employees, facilities, or earnings. Whenever they decide to expand, they should prepare their employees for this change. Employees need to know that there could be new positions.

Technological Changes: Rapid developments and advances in technology affect the structural and functional qualities of the organizations and create diversity in the production of goods and services. Due to these developments and advances, several jobs disappear, and several new jobs and occupations emerge. New jobs and tasks that arise due to the rapid technological changes require different types of workforce in the organization.

Assessing Needs: Human resource planning is not only about finding the right person for the right job, it is also about shortage or excess of employees. If there are less persons than needed, it will affect the work negatively. Human resource planning provides the employment of suitable workforce.

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