Internatıonal Organızatıon And Global Governance Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1118872
- Great powers are in the first rank of military.
- They are economically powerful states.
- They have global, and not merely regional, spheres of interests.
- They adopt a ‘forward’ foreign policy and have actual, and not merely potential, impact on international affairs.
Which of the above are the criteria for being a member of "great powe club" according to Heywood?
I and II |
III and IV |
I and III |
II and IV |
I, II, III and IV |
Heywood notes that a great power is “deemed to rank amongst the most powerful in a hierarchical state-system” and identifies four criteria for being a member of this so-called “great power club”:
• “Great powers are in the first rank of military prowess, having the capacity to maintain their own security and, potentially, to influence other powers.
• They are economically powerful states; although (as Japan shows) this is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for great power status.
• They have global, and not merely regional, spheres of interests.
• They adopt a ‘forward’ foreign policy and have actual, and not merely potential, impact on international affairs”
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