Internatıonal Securıty Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1044900

"The essence of this strategy is a preventive military action rather than a diplomatic response. It involves the positioning of troops, military observers and related personnel on one or both sides of a border between entities that are in dispute"

What is the strategy described above? 

Preventive management

Preventive settlement

Preventive deployment

Preventive transformation

Preventive resolution

Yanıt Açıklaması:

Preventive deployment is a new concept for the UN. It was first advocated by the Secretary-General in Agenda for Peace and was applied for the first time in Macedonia. The essence of this strategy is a preventive military action rather than a diplomatic response. It involves the positioning of troops, military observers and related personnel on one or both sides of a border between entities that are in dispute (or where there is an emerging threat of conflict).

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