İşletme Bilgi Sistemleri Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #902396

Every company keeps a record of its total sales over specific periods e.g. daily, weekly, monthly. Sales volume over time is the quantity or number of goods or services sold in a specific time period. Such information enables seasonal variations to be identified, and inflation cost adjustments can be taken into consideration.
What type of data source for marketing information system is explained above?

Communication mix information

Pricing information

Sales by trade category

Regional sales

Total sales or sales volume over time

Yanıt Açıklaması:

Total sales or sales volume over time: Every company keeps a record of its total sales over specific periods e.g. daily, weekly, monthly. Sales volume over time is the quantity or number of goods or services sold in a specific time period. Such information enables seasonal variations to be identified, and inflation cost adjustments can be taken into consideration.

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