İşletmeye Giriş Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1143824

If the person X decides to open a company as a proprietorship and invests 10.000 dollars cash in the business, on the accounting equation of the business this transaction results in:

A 10.000 dollar increase in assets and a 10.000 dollar increase in owner’s equity.

A 10.000 dollar decrease in assets and a 10.000 dollar increase in owner’s equity.

A 10.000 dollar increase in liabilities and a 10.000 dollar increase in owner’s equity.

A 10.000 dollar decrease in liabilities and a 10.000 dollar decrease in owner’s equity.

A 10.000 dollar increase in assets and a 10.000 dollar decrease in owner’s equity.

Yanıt Açıklaması:

This transaction increases both the assets (in this case, cash) and the owner’s equity (capital) of the business by 10.000 dollars.

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