Marketıng Management Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1030920

Based on Porter's five forces model, if some clients are able to create value for themselves by driving prices down, demanding higher quality or more services, weakening your competitive position in the market, this is an example of:

The bargaining power of suppliers.

The threat of substitutes.

The threat of new entrants.

Rivalry among existing competitors.

Bargaining Power of Buyers.

Yanıt Açıklaması:

The Bargaining Power of Buyers: Regardless of the type of market, buyers may become powerful. Similar to suppliers, powerful buyers may create value for themselves by driving prices down, demanding higher quality or more services. Buyers are powerful if they are purchasing in huge quantities or if there are few buyers. When these powerful buyers affect your prices, your competitive position may be weakened in the market.

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