Marketıng Management
Marketıng Management Deneme Sınavı
Marketıng Management Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1030414
Marketıng Management Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1030414
If a business unit of a company has a large relative market share but also needs a lot of investments because of its high growth rate,in the BCG Growth-Share Matrix it is represented by:
The star. |
The cat. |
The cash cow. |
The question mark. |
The dog. |
Yanıt Açıklaması:
As the name applies, stars are likely to have higher market share and are high-growth businesses or products, thus they are likely to be market leaders. However, in order to finance this growth, they also need higher investments. For instance, iPhones and Galaxy Notes are stars for Apple, and Samsung, respectively.
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