Prıncıples Of Marketıng Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1371000
I. Marketing is an exchange process
II. Marketing creates customer value
III. Marketing is just a business function
Which one(s) of these statements is/are among the important points about marketing?
Only I |
Only II |
Only III |
I-II |
Based on the definitions, we can underline some of important points about marketing:
• Marketing is an exchange process
• Customer needs and wants are the starting point of marketing process
• Marketing offers are goods, services and ideas.
• The needs of the customers and the objectives of the companies are satisfied in the marketing process.
• Developing, pricing, distributing and promoting products are core marketing activities.
• Marketing creates customer value
• Marketing does not only affect customers, but partners and society as a value.
• Marketing is both a business function and philosophy.
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