Prıncıples Of Marketıng Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1403593
Based on the basic life cycle stages of a family, what is considered to be the financial circumstance and purchasing characteristic of a "type 1 empty nest(empty nest I)" family?
Better off financially, two incomes; purchase home, some consumer durables |
Financial position improving; some working spouses |
Home ownership peak; renewed interest in travel and leisure activities; buy luxuries |
Drastic cut in income; medical services bought |
Income good, but likely to sell home |
According to the basic life cycle stages of a family segmentation, an "empty nest I" kind of family consists of older married couples and have no children at home. At this stage, the families are usually considered to peak at home ownership, tend to have a renewed interest in travel and leisure activities, and buy luxuries.
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