Research Methods
Research Methods Deneme Sınavı
Research Methods Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1040968
Research Methods Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1040968
- Research topic is important to attract attention of the readers
- Finding an original research problem is the main organizing principle guiding the analysis of research
- It is difficult to choose an interesting topic without doing preliminary reading
Which of the above is/are true about choosing an original research topic?
Only II |
Only III |
I and II |
I and III |
I, II and III |
Yanıt Açıklaması:
The research topic as well as the title is very
important to attract attention of the readers.
Finding an original and new research problem
is the main organizing principle guiding the
analysis of your research. It is difficult to choose
an interesting topic without doing a preliminary
reading in your discipline.
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