Theorıes Of Internatıonal Relatıons I Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #845805

What is the theory that assumes “[G]reat powers… are always searching for opportunities to gain power over their rivals, with hegemony as their final goal”?

Classical realism

Defensive realism

Offensive realism

Structural realism

Neoclassical realism

Yanıt Açıklaması:

As different from defensive realism, even in the contrary direction, Mearsheimer, in his essay about future of the post-Cold War World, particularly Europe, emphasizes that a transition to a multipolar order from a bipolar one provokes instability. He argues that “the next decades in a Europe without the superpowers would probably not be as violent as the first 45 years of this century but would probably be substantially more prone to violence than the past 45 years” (Mearsheimer, 1993: 43). He affirms partially Waltz’s view by accepting that the anarchic structure compels states to compete for power for security and survival. However, the image of state portrayed by Mearsheimer is greedier and more aggressive than how Waltz pictures it. He claims that states seek hegemony; they all want to become, ultimately, regional hegemons. His theory, as it is called, offensive realism is built upon the assumption that “[G]reat powers… are always searching for opportunities to gain power over their rivals, with hegemony as their final goal” (Mearsheimer, 2001: 29).

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