Theorıes Of Internatıonal Relatıons I Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #849406

A: Advanced capitalism divides people into several classes, two of which are especially important: the capitalists and the workers, or the rich and the poor. The capitalists own everything, have all the power and all the money, whereas the workers do all the work, but have no power and no money.

B: The simple formula is that industrial power equals national power and national power equals independence.

Which of the following matching is true according to expressions of A and B?

A: Economic liberalist

B: Economic nationalist

A: Economic liberalist

B: Economic structuralist

A: Economic nationalist

B: Economic liberalist

A: Economic structuralist

B: Economic nationalist

A: Economic structuralist

B: Economic liberalist

Yanıt Açıklaması:

Marx and Engels started their critiques of the capitalist system by examining the most advanced
capitalist nations at that time, namely the Great Britain and Prussia. To them, advanced capitalism
divides people into several classes, two of which are especially important: the capitalists and the workers, or the rich and the poor. The capitalists own everything, have all the power and all the
money, whereas the workers do all the work, but have no power and no money. (A)

The main theorists of economic nationalism are Alexander Hamilton (1780-1804), the first United
States Secretary of the Treasury, who wrote The Report on the Subject of Manufactures (1791) and Friedrich List (1789-1846), a Prussian economist, who wrote The National System of Political Economy (1841). According to them, the simple formula is that industrial power equals national power and national power equals independence (Hamilton, 2001; List, 1991). (B)

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