Theorıes Of Internatıonal Relatıons Iı Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1034777
- He points at a simple fact by saying if colonialist’s life standards are high, this is due to the low level of the colonized people.
- It is not possible for the colonists to be unaware of the illegitimacy of their position, but on the contrary, the colonists demonstrate through their actions that they are aware that their welfare has actually been promoted through the misery of what they colonize.
- He put forward the ideas of “dual refusal” and “dual responsibility”.
- He experienced a dual exclusion from both the colonial and the colonized.
Which post-colonial scholar is defined above?
Which post-colonial scholar is defined above?
Frantz Fanon |
Aimé Césaire |
Albert Memmi |
Homi K. Bhabha |
Gayatri Chakravarty Spivak |
The psychological effects of colonialism were analyzed by Memmi in his book “Portrait of the Colonial” (1957). According to Memmi, it is not possible for the colonists to be unaware of the illegitimacy of their position, but on the contrary, the colonists demonstrate through their actions that they are aware that their welfare has actually been promoted through the misery of what they colonize. Memmi, a member of one of the nonMuslim families of Tunisia, put forward originally the “dual refusal” and “dual responsibility” of his life because, as Sartre points out, Memmi has a slightly more privileged position than most of the colonized because of his non-Muslim status, but he has not yet been fully accepted by the colonists. Thus, the problem of Memmi really is as Sartre answered; Memmi is neither the colonialist nor the colonized, or both. Memmi points at a simple fact: If colonialist’s life standards are high, this is due to the low level of the colonized people (2003). Although he had a relatively privileged position in the community he lived in, Memmi experienced a dual exclusion from both the colonial and the colonized. In his works he dealt with the relationship between these two groups and with one of the most important reference sources of the postcolonial literature with his writings in this field.
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