Theorıes Of Internatıonal Relatıons Iı Ara 2. Deneme Sınavı

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The most important feature that differentiates poststructuralist approaches from other social theories, including constructivism, is that __________is the basis of its ontology.







  • It is the most controversial and the most difficult sector to define among the security sectors.
  • This sector has both scientific and political agendas and they often overlap and sometimes shape each other.
  • A concern for the preservation of the existing levels of civilization can be considered as the referent object of this security sector.
  • Scientists, researchers and non-govermental organizations can contribute to the securization of this sector.
    Which is the security sector defined above?

The Military Sector

The Economic Sector

The Societal Sector

The Political Sector

The Enviromental Sector


Rather than being a theory, ............................ regarded as a critical attitude or approach that emphasizes the importance of representation, the role of discourse in the meaning of international relations and the relationship between knowledge and power. 

Which of the following completes the sentence above?







The Copenhagen School's view of security is closely associated with ... Which of the following options best completes the sentence above?

balance of power

collective security

speech act

national security

military power


.................... is the whole of the practices that construct the objects it speaks on or creates its own truth. 







  • He considers the colonial phenomenon as an opportunity for cultural exchange.
  • He suggests that colonial authority is necessarily rendered ‘hybrid’ and ‘ambivalent’ when it is imitated or reproduced, thus opening up spaces for the colonized to subvert the masterdiscourse.
  • He points out that the discourse of colonialism is frequently populated with ‘terrifying stereotypes of savagery, cannibalism, lust and anarchy’.
    Whose take on colonialism is define above?

Albert Memmi

Aimé Césaire

Homi K. Bhabha

Frantz Fanon

Gayatri Chakravarty Spivak


  • He points at a simple fact by saying if colonialist’s life standards are high, this is due to the low level of the colonized people.
  • It is not possible for the colonists to be unaware of the illegitimacy of their position, but on the contrary, the colonists demonstrate through their actions that they are aware that their welfare has actually been promoted through the misery of what they colonize.
  • He put forward the ideas of “dual refusal” and “dual responsibility”.
  • He experienced a dual exclusion from both the colonial and the colonized.
    Which post-colonial scholar is defined above?

Frantz Fanon

Aimé Césaire

Albert Memmi

Homi K. Bhabha

Gayatri Chakravarty Spivak


  1. Scholars of International Relations are necessarily participants in the world politics, not independent observers.
  2. Neither theorists nor theories which consist of ideas can not be politically neutral contrarily they do have a political and social impact.
  3. Scholar must be a Godlike detachment or have otherworldliness for this assumption to be possible.
  4. Theoretical knowledge is not independent from the values, thoughts and ideological beliefs of the theorist.

Which of the arguments above can be used by an advocator of poststructualism in the context of International Relations?

I and II

II and III

III and IV

II, III and IV

I, II, III and IV


According to poststructuralists’ discursive practices, __________ plays a major role in making the state the most important and rational actor.







  • This security sector, according to the CS, revolves “around access to the resources, finance and markets necessary to sustain acceptable levels of welfare and state power”.
  • Various referent objects can be detected at different levels. States, individuals, or the global market can be identified as referent objects.
  • In this sector, state representatives, international organizations and firms can be included in the category of securitizing actors.
    Which one the security sectors is defined above?

The Societal Sector

The Economic Sector

The Political Sector

The Military Sector

The Environmental Sector


  1. Discourse not only describes the world but also constructs it.
  2. Language and discourse are quite important: object, subject, states, material structures etc. are constructed through the language.
  3. You do/constitute something while you say something.
  4. Sovereign states are constructed by discoursive practices, such as security discourse, immigration policies, policymakers’ discourse about national interest, economic invesment, threat, danger or existence of foreigners in their countries etc.

Which of the above can be used to strengthen the argument that “Discourses are not only constative but are also performative” in the context of poststructualism?

I and II

II and IV

I, II and III

II, III and IV

I, II, III and IV


Which of the following scholar states that although states view each other as rivals, they nevertheless “recognize each other’s sovereignty, and therefore submit to a minimum standard of common norms”?

Thomas Hobbes

John Locke

Niccolo Machiavelli

Alexander Wendt

Kenneth Waltz


Which of the following authors is significant in constructing the ideological structure of post-colonialism, emphasizing the concept of discourse?

Antonio Gramsci.

Edward Said.

Michel Foucault.

Joseph A. Schumpeter.

Jacques Derrida.


"___________ is a strategy some rules for reading, interpretation and

In the context of posstructuralism, which of the following completes the sentence the most appropriately?







Which of the following terms attempts to expose anomalies or inconsistencies in a given text?


Double reading





Which type of constructivism concentrates on the relationship between domestic social and legal norms and the identities and interests of states instead of focusing on the external, international domain?

Unit-level constructivism

Holistic constructivism

Postmodern constructivism

Naturalist constructivism

Systemic constructivism


It incorporates values, norms, and other ideational factors into itself. It does not reject the canons of science, standards, and methodologies for testing hypotheses or propositions. It rejects the conventional epistemology of social science. It emphasizes the linguistic construction of subjects, resulting in ‘discursive practices’ constituting the ontological or foundational units of reality and analysis.Which are the features of neoclassical constructivism?

I and II

I and III

II and III

II and IV

I and IV


  1. State is the primary ‘referent object’ that is to be secured and the focus is predominantly on the military sector and on other issues only to the extent that they ‘bear directly on the likelihood and character of war’.
  2. Security cannot be confined only to the military sector but should include other sectors, such as economic, societal, political and environmental.
  3. Even though security is about survival, it also includes a substantial range of issues other than the state.
  4. State is usually  the main object of security, and war as the main threat to it.
    Which of the statements are basics of security according to the Copenhagen school?

I and IV

II and III

I and III

II and IV

III and IV


Who is the writer of the books! Black Skin, White Masks” (1952) and “The Wretched of the Earth” on which considered to be the first basis of post-colonial theory is generally be based? 

Albert Memmi

Frantz Fanon

Aime Cesaire

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

Homi K. Bhabha


Which of the following is a result of the investigation of new investment and market opportunities for unused capital and non-consumable goods within the country?




