Theorıes Of Internatıonal Relatıons Iı Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1206310

I- Emancipatory social change

II- Welfare of the nations

III-Fate of modernity

IV- Causes of problems among economic classes

Which one of the above are the themes the Critical Theory is deeply involved?

II and IV

II and III

I and III

III and IV

I and IV

Yanıt Açıklaması:

Critical theory is not only an academic approach but also an emancipatory thought committed to the formation of a more equal and just world. It seeks to explain the reasons why the realization of this goal is difficult to achieve. Therefore, what is crucial is not only the social explanation but also politically motivated action to achieve an alternative set of social relations based on justice and equality. For emancipatory social change, Horkheimer believes that there are some forces of resistance left within humans and that the spirit of humanity is still alive, if not in the individual as a member of social groups, at least in the individual as far as he or she is left alone. Horkheimer is certainly aware of the structural constraints, but he does suggest that it is possible to engage in a kind of non-conformism at least (without much of a description of what it would be like), which comes through the spontaneity of the individual subject.

Critical theory is also deeply concerned with the fate of modernity. It has offered systematic and comprehensive theories of the trajectory of modernity, combined with critical diagnoses of some of the latter’s limitations, pathologies and destructive effects, while providing defenses of some of its progressive elements.

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