Turkish Polıtıcs Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #955138

What is the term used in order to indicate a specific period (1871-1887) in German history where state tried to gain dominance over church in daily life, especially in marriage and contract issues?






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Culture is a very powerful element in the formation of political in changing circumstances, but let us forget that it is still only one among many elements which do shape political conflicts. Kulturkampf (“cultural war or struggle”) is a specific term that indicates a specific period (1871-1887) in German history where state tried to gain dominance over church in daily life, especially in marriage and contract issues. The appearance was illusionary; this was not a conflict between “Protestant State” and “Catholic Church” but about who was going to decide even on tiniest trivial matters in daily life, and that political power, a central authority is executive on every issue in social life without exemption. However cultural matters do have a unique discourse to express themselves, and people do have a definite language about culture to define itself, and cultural identity or any kind of identity mostly rely on symbolic representations. As can be understood from the information given, the correct answer is A.

Narodnik, (Russian: “Populist”), member of a 19th century socialist movement in Russia who believed that political propaganda among the peasantry would lead to the awakening of the masses and, through their influence, to the liberalization of the tsarist regime.  A peasant is a term used to describe an agricultural laborer. You can refer to all the peasants in a particular country as the peasantry. Narodnichestvo, or “Populism” have the same meaning, they refer to the 19th century socialist movement in Russia.

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