Turkish Polıtıcs Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #955143

When were The People’s Houses founded in Turkey?






Yanıt Açıklaması:

The People’s Houses were founded in 1932 with an aim to urbanite people, and to conserve and enliven traditional folkloric customs, offered courses in literature, fine arts as well as handcrafting, tayloring and similar practices. The correct answer is A.

The informaton related to the other years in the answer choices are as follows:

1940: The Village Institutes were founded in 1940.

1950: Democrat Party (Demokrat Parti-DP) won elections in 1950.

1971: The Coup that took place in 1971 (March 12, 1971) was again a removal of democratically selected government led by Süleyman Demirel’s Justice Party (Adalet PartisiAP).

1980: The most radical and annihilating coup by the army in modern Turkish history was carried out in in 1980 (“12 Eylül Darbesi”).

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