Turkish Polıtıcs Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #989791

  • It is a treaty signed between ayans and the Ottoman State at the end of a meeting organized in the Ottoman capital.
  • It was decided to reform the Janissary corps, to empower ayans with the authority to exert power on the bureaucratic officers assigned by the state, to guarantee the safety of the goods and privileges of the ayans and to include them in their heritage.
  • The ayans promised to show full respect to Sultan, to provide armed power and pay their taxes.
  • It is considered to be the first constitutional document, through which the powers of the sovereign were limited for the first time.
    What is the step of Ottoman Modernization is defined above?

Deed of Alliance

Edict of Islahat

Edict of Tanzimat

Young Turk Revolution

31 March Incident

Yanıt Açıklaması:

The Deed of Alliance is a treaty signed between ayans and the Ottoman State at the end of a meeting organized in the Ottoman capital with the invitation of Alemdar Mustafa Pasha. During the meeting, it was decided to reform the Janissary corps, to empower ayans with the authority to exert power on the bureaucratic officers assigned by the state, to guarantee the safety of the goods and privileges of the ayans and to include them in their heritage. In return, the ayans promised to show full respect to Sultan, to provide armed power and pay their taxes (Karpat, 2002, p. 56). Based on the decisions taken, it could be stated that the signed contract represents a reconciliation between the interests of both the Sultan and ayans (Karpat, 2006, p. 25). Moreover, Deed of Alliance is considered to be the first constitutional document, through which the powers of the sovereign were limited for the first time, similar to the British Magna Carta that dates back to 1215. In this respect, it certainly represents a very critical step in our political life.

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